005 → radio

from 2022-2024, i spent the remaining year of my undergrad at SJSU as a DJ for 90.5 KSJS. sometime between those years, i found myself leading the subversive rock department. 

all of my shows are recorded on spinitron. for those who are suuuuper nosey (like me), here is the link to the playlists of every live show i’ve hosted under 90.5 FM in the san francisco bay area.
to earn my spot in the station, i hosted my first screenprinting workshop. i illustrated the designs, had my peers vote, and demo’d the process with the winning designs before allowing participants to give it a shot. some never had done anything like it before. 

turns out... i really liked doing them! so i did more. over the next semesters, i continued hosting printmaking workshops in addition to holding a few in collage and zine making.

with the help of my friend+assistant, allyssa demarchena, we held a few shows. collaborating with diy venues in sj, we threw two shows together showcasing local bay area bands. these shows were a great opportunity for us to pass out zines, so we tabled at each event!

we also collaborated with KSFS (san francisco state) and KDVS (uc davis) for a battle of the college radios! allyssa and i tabled with prints, patches, and printed clothing made by our peers from one of the workshops we held.

after two years of playing subrock music on-air, i did an overnight electronic feature. my last show broadcasted various songs showcasing how my taste had evolved since i was a teenager. then i graduated college!

woo hooooooooooooooo  (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧


Respect Radio Series: Let Our Voices Be Heard

Show Reviews:

On Mitski